
Dark Storm Clouds Are Approaching :: By Grant Phillips

Dark Storm Clouds Are Approaching :: By Grant Phillips

Eleven years ago, I wrote an article titled The Stage Is Nearly Set, in which I listed several important occurrences and their dates. Following is that listing. 1920 American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) founded 1945 The United Nations (U.N.) replaced The League of Nations. 1945 The atomic age began with the bombing of Hiroshima and […]

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Don’t Let Satan Steal Your Joy :: By Grant Phillips

Don’t Let Satan Steal Your Joy :: By Grant Phillips

I have been hearing from some Christians who are struggling with their faith, stating that, on occasion, they have doubts about their salvation. The thought pattern may go something like this: “Am I really saved? Will Jesus say to me, ‘I never knew you. Depart from me?’” This thinking comes from Matthew 7:23, which states, […]

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Manger, Cross, Grave, Throne :: By Grant Phillips

Manger, Cross, Grave, Throne :: By Grant Phillips

Christmas is only eight days away as I type these words. Most at this time of year are thinking of Christmas trees, decorations, lights, family gatherings, dinners, cookies … and, oh yes, presents! Many children are getting excited and can hardly wait. Christians enjoy these things too, but we are also enjoying special events at […]

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Encouragement For Today’s Pastors :: By Grant Phillips

Regardless of the name over the door, today’s churches have been experiencing a drop in attendance, and even more so since the COVID pandemic. Even the seeker-friendly churches have noticed a dip in attendance. Governmental mandates caused many of the churches to close their doors during the lockdowns of the COVID episode of 2020-21. Even […]

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Interruptions :: By Grant Phillips

Interruptions :: By Grant Phillips

Have you ever noticed, as a Christian, those times when you just want to have some quiet time for prayer and to read your Bible that something interrupts you? It’s amazing how Satan will send his goon squad out on errands to distract you. Satan will use any means necessary to keep God’s children from […]

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