
The Reason Christ Was Born :: By Nathele Graham

The Reason Christ Was Born :: By Nathele Graham

Much of the world is preparing to celebrate. The question is, what’s being celebrated? Children anticipate Santa Claus leaving gifts under a tree, while adults decorate homes with lights, tinsel, and ornaments. We give gifts to people we care about, attend office parties, send greeting cards, and generally make a big deal out of…what? Why […]

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What Are You Celebrating? :: By Nathele Graham

What Are You Celebrating? :: By Nathele Graham

There’s no doubt about it. People enjoy celebrating. Birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, graduation, retirement, and more. Then there are the big celebrations like Christmas and Thanksgiving. These are all happy occasions which should be celebrated with friends and family. God wants us to enjoy life, but He also wants us to use discernment in how and […]

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Thank You, God, For Everything :: By Nathele Graham

Thank You, God, For Everything :: By Nathele Graham

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning” (James 1:17). In the United States, we set aside one day each year and call it “Thanksgiving.” We all have different ways of celebrating that day. Traditionally, families […]

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