
Subsequence In The Pauline Epistles

Subsequence In The Pauline Epistles

PNEUMA 39 (2017) 342–363 Subsequence in the Pauline Epistles Robert P. Menzies Asian Center for Pentecostal Theology, Kunming, China rmenzies@mail2go.net Abstract Paul encourages every…

The Spirit in the Pastoral Epistles

The Spirit in the Pastoral Epistles

Abstract The pneumatology of the Pastoral Epistles (PE) appears at first glance to be rather limited. The term pneuma occurs only seven times in the PE. In…

General Epistles and Revelation

Biblical eLearning (http://biblicalelearning.org) presents: Dr. Dave Mathewson on The Storyline of the Bible This is the final of six videos on the Storyline of…