
A Doctrine of Demons :: By The Gospelist

A Doctrine of Demons :: By The Gospelist

It is an interesting fact that civilization and recorded history only date back about 6,000 years. Not coincidentally, this is the amount of time that the Bible covers. According to evolutionists, people were hunter-gatherers for about a million years before civilization arose, and then suddenly, someone stood up and said, ‘let’s invent the wheel.’ All […]

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Doctrines of Demons, Itching Ears, End-Times Deception: By Geri Ungurean

Doctrines of Demons, Itching Ears, End-Times Deception: By Geri Ungurean

Is Asbury a True Revival? Originally written over 6 years ago, I felt compelled to bring this article out once again. The deception and heretical movements of these end times are so far from the truth of the Word of God, it makes a person wonder how the followers can be so deceived and gullible. […]

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What do you know about Demons?

What do you know about Demons?

Yeshaya Gruber, Nicholas Schaser, Ashely Lyon, and Tupa Guerra join forces to tackle the spiritual realm. What do we really know? You may be surprised to learn that the understanding about angels developed mostly during the Second Temple Perio…