
Isolate from Culture or Fight It?

Isolate from Culture or Fight It?

Pinchas Shir talks about the Essenes in this episode, but if you want more details, enroll in our course  The Shadow of the Essenes in the New Testament. We spend this episode talking about why the Essenes refused to worship at the Temple in J…

Commemorating Anne Moody in Southern Public Culture

This is my paper on #AnneMoody that I presented at the 2023
meeting of the Mississippi Historical Society. It’s an overview of our efforts
to promote her legacy. I’m happy to report that the entire paper is now available for your review.


Food and Culture

Food and Culture

Professor Pinchas Shir joins me to talk about food and the Bible. What was the Israelite diet like? How does food shape cultural identity? Where do we go to look at food issues (hint: it’s practically on every page!). How did the Israelites th…

Pop Culture and Armegeddon

Pop Culture and Armegeddon

Have you been fascinated by the Book of Revelation, but felt that something must be missing in modern interpretations of this anti-Roman, Jewish document? In this week’s episode, we explore what books like Enoch or Baruch or what geography and…