Over 6,000 Churches Closed in Rwanda
Since March the government has closed down over 6000 churches, including the one I preached in last November. The churches have three months to…
Since March the government has closed down over 6000 churches, including the one I preached in last November. The churches have three months to…
Churches Where They Don’t Explain How to Get Saved Have you ever been to a church where it seems like whoever speaks from the…
Публикувахте от Bob Wizenhut в Четвъртък, 25 януари 2018 г.
The audio revolution. Boomer retirement crisis. The deferred maintenance crisis in church facilities. Churches moving into retail spaces. Ongoing church closures. The rise of…
Several churches are renaming themselves, FREEDOM CHURCH. Why is that? Are they asserting that they want more freedom and if so from where? Do…
Do the math: 350,000 churches in America and 200,000 sleeping in the streets of America Maryjane Williams [03/07/2016 9:18 AM] For real. James 1:27…
From the Azusa Street revival came many churches. The following is a short revue I came across many years ago. For more information, his…
Northpoint Bible College & Graduate School is pleased to introduce Dr. Ken Walters as Visiting Professor of Pentecostal Studies. He will also serve as…
‘Thriller’ Trend In Evangelical Churches John Kissinger [10/30/2015 3:48 PM]http://www.pentecostaltheology.com/block-all-satanic-and-demonic-activities/ John Kissinger [10/30/2015 8:46 PM]http://www.amazon.com/The-Origin-Demons-Desiree-Mondesir-ebook/dp/B012RU25U8%3FSubscriptionId%3D0ENGV10E9K9QDNSJ5C82%26tag%3Dflatwave-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB012RU25U8
Spiritual Problems and Solutions from the 7 Churches of Revelation
What has happened to tarrying for power in Pentecostal churches? What happened for folks tarrying for salvation? now all you have to do is…