
QFTBOC: Enoch ‘Walked with God’ :: By Mark A. Becker

QFTBOC: Enoch ‘Walked with God’ :: By Mark A. Becker

Introduction One of the things I really enjoy doing with the ministry the Lord has blessed me with is answering questions of believers and unbelievers alike. The questions people have never cease to amaze me; most I have never even considered myself. This QFTBOC (Questions from the Body of Christ) series are articles from these […]

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Societal Characteristics of the Last Days: Part 5 :: By Mark A. Becker

Societal Characteristics of the Last Days: Part 5 :: By Mark A. Becker

Romans 1:28-29 Introduction This is a continuation of our Societal Characteristics of the Last Days series. In Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4, we studied Paul’s societal characteristics given to Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:1-7. Part 5, Part 6, and Part 7 will be focused on Paul’s Characteristics of the Last Days […]

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Isaiah 13 and 14: Babylon Near and Far, Part 1 :: By Mark A. Becker

Isaiah 13 and 14: Babylon Near and Far, Part 1 :: By Mark A. Becker

Introduction According to my calculations, research, and Scripture studies, there are four Babel/Babylons mentioned in the Scriptures. The first is Nimrod’s Babel which is of an unknown location. We do know that Babel was located somewhere in the Land of Shinar (Genesis 10:10). Best-guess estimates put this location somewhere in northern Iraq or possibly around […]

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Daniel 11:36-45: Antichrist’s Last Adversary :: By Mark A. Becker

Daniel 11:36-45: Antichrist’s Last Adversary :: By Mark A. Becker

Daniel 11 is one intense and action-packed chapter. The first section – verses 1-35 – is dedicated to the prophecy of Alexander’s Grecian empire up until Antiochus Epiphanes, who, as we saw in Revelation 13 – The Antichrist, is a picture of the Antichrist. What can be difficult for many students of the Bible is […]

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The ‘Black Sheep’ of Bible Prophecy :: By Mark A. Becker

The ‘Black Sheep’ of Bible Prophecy :: By Mark A. Becker

Introduction While not exactly an autobiography I had ever envisioned for myself, truly, through my own studies of the Scriptures for over a quarter of a century, I have found myself to be The ‘Black Sheep’ of Bible Prophecy! During the first 15 years or so of intensive Bible study, I devoured many excellent books, […]

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Matthew’s Olivet Discourse :: By Mark A. Becker

Matthew’s Olivet Discourse :: By Mark A. Becker

Introduction As we go through the Olivet Discourse, as found in the synoptic gospels, we want to – as best we can – dissect the information given, offer Biblical and practical observations concerning each presentation, present some corroborating Scripture, and seek to better understand how our Lord structured His discourse and what each gospel writer […]

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Giving the Gospel to Israel :: By Mark A. Becker

Giving the Gospel to Israel :: By Mark A. Becker

This article, comprised mainly of passages of Scripture, is intended to help the bride of Christ in the all-important eternal endeavor of Giving the Gospel to Israel. Christianity is not a “new religion” per se, but Judaism fulfilled. As believers in Messiah Yeshua, we see Him all throughout the Tanakh as He Himself claimed (John […]

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Luke’s Olivet Discourse :: By Mark A. Becker

Luke’s Olivet Discourse :: By Mark A. Becker

Introduction As we go through the Olivet Discourse, as found in the synoptic gospels, we want to – as best we can – dissect the information given, offer Biblical and practical observations concerning each presentation, present some corroborating Scripture, and seek to better understand how our Lord structured His discourse and what each gospel writer […]

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