
Another Look: Conditions in the World and the Church:: By Ron Ferguson

Another Look: Conditions in the World and the Church:: By Ron Ferguson

We don’t have to labor the point of how bad things are outside the Christian framework. We all know that, the readers and contributors of RaptureReady. The world’s agenda is fast in decline in its philosophy and its direction. I am appalled at the wicked Marxist leadership in my own State and in my nation […]

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And be not drunk

And be not drunk

And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual…

Book: The Final Remnant :: By Terry James and Heather Renae

Book: The Final Remnant :: By Terry James and Heather Renae

AUTHOR’S NOTE Fully realizing that most Rapture Ready family folks don’t generally prefer fiction, I nonetheless implore you to embrace this novel. I’m particularly doing so because of my concern for the young adults who have been largely ensnared by this perverse culture that Satan and his minions have managed to inflict and afflict. This […]

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