
Exes and Eyes :: By C. Gray Adams

Exes and Eyes :: By C. Gray Adams

The exegete ‘ex-tracts’ from God’s Word what God intended the reader or hearer to receive. Said another way, the exegete examines the text to determine the point God is making. The eisegete ‘eyes (sees)’ into the text what they want or need it to say in order to prove their point. One does not have […]

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Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse :: By C. Gray Adams

Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse :: By C. Gray Adams

Last, but not least, the ‘Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse’ brings destruction on an epic scale to a planet that is already reeling from the rides of the first three horsemen.[1] In fact, this pale-horse rider will bring utter devastation to, as John the Revelator put it, a fourth part of the earth: Revelation 6:8 “And […]

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Wolves of Faith :: By C. Gray Adams

Wolves of Faith :: By C. Gray Adams

Many false teachers have crept into the church since the time of its inception. Throughout the last two thousand years, numerous attempts have been made to pervert the truth of Scripture. Each attempt failed or succeeded because of the ability of the audience to discern the error involved in the message brought by those in […]

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Help Us, Lord, to Overcome :: By C. Gray Adams

Help Us, Lord, to Overcome :: By C. Gray Adams

Throughout Scripture, believers are encouraged to overcome. In fact, overcoming the world could be considered the daily task of faithful believers. Perhaps this is why Jesus spends so much time issuing admonitions to overcome when addressing the seven churches in chapters two and three of the book of Revelation. In this amazing passage of Scripture, […]

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Audio Commentary: In Adam’s Fall, We Sinned, All :: By Gary W. Ritter

Audio Commentary: In Adam’s Fall, We Sinned, All :: By Gary W. Ritter

Most of us who are Christians know that when God created Adam, He made Him a natural man out of the dust of the earth. The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is the second Adam from the spiritual realm: a heavenly man. Paul outlined this in 1 Corinthians 15:45-49: “Thus it is written, ‘The […]

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America: Once like David – Now like Cain :: By C. Gray Adams

America: Once like David – Now like Cain :: By C. Gray Adams

David, like all of us, made mistakes. At times, he failed miserably. In one instance, David’s failure cost the life of 70,000 men (2 Sam 24). However, every time David came to understand his transgressions, he was quick to repent and take the necessary actions to appease God. Cain, on the other hand, was not […]

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