Erroneous Beliefs About Demons

There are today within the Body of Christ certain notions or thinking patterns which are wrong and which become barriers to deliverance work of…

The Function of Faith

The Function of Faith

Today we look at, (The Function of Faith) Taught by Dr. Paul Lee. Lesson 2 from the series, “Faith” When you consider what…

Religion, State and Society

Religion, State and Society 2011 Editorial Changing Chaplaincy: a Contribution to Debate over the Roles of US and British Military Chaplains in Afghanistan Catholic…

6 reasons youth leave church

6 reasons why our youth leave the church Reason #1 – Churches seem overprotective. Reason #2 – Teens’ and twentysomethings’ experience of Christianity is…

DONALD DAYTON relying on Sheppard

DONALD DAYTON relying on Sheppard

DONALD W. DAYTON. Dayton, relying on Sheppard, 22 understands dispensationalism as one of various influences on Pentecostalism, whilst qualifying its importance. He states that…

7 Demons Targeting the Church

By Ron Phillips is pastor of Abba’s House in Hixson, Tenn., and author of Everyone’s Guide to Demons and Spiritual Warfare. 1. Spirit of…