Pack Rat [05/12/2015 8:52 AM]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqsHzQO3dso Glenda Loftis [05/13/2015 6:32 AM]Glenda Loftis liked this on Facebook.
Pack Rat [05/12/2015 8:52 AM]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqsHzQO3dso Glenda Loftis [05/13/2015 6:32 AM]Glenda Loftis liked this on Facebook.
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Westmore Youth Ministry leading in praise and worship, along with the Westmore Youth Choir led my Randy Sheeks. Sunday Morning Service – May 3,…
Christ Is Our Example Lesson 6 from the series, “Paths To Power” I Thessalonians 1:5, “For our gospel came not unto you in word…
At this time only your likes and words of sempathy doesnt save lives but your help… Joing to help to save people who are…
“LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens. Through the praise of…
This time almost all the world knows about the big tragedy of Nepal after the devastating earthquake. Many are homeless and helpless. So at…
Lesson # 2 In our study of the 10 Plague. The LORD does not deny the existence of others gods. Egypt worshiped the Nile…
[Timothy lets us know that “The goal of this command is love, which comes from a PURE HEART AND A GOOD CONSCIENCE AND A…
gideon [05/02/2015 8:55 PM]I want to read more
Thanks to Charles Page for his response to my post on John Calvin. http://andnowyouknowmore.blogspot.com Charles Page Why I Believe Modern Calvinism Is Not Biblical…
A Courageous Disciple #1 Lesson 2 from the series, “Discipleship” Reading in Luke 9:23 & 24 (23) “And he said to them all, If…