Historically minded Pentecostals and Charismatics
This is wonderful news. Historically minded Pentecostals and charismatics are pleased to see these resources being brought together and the openness that FPHC has…
This is wonderful news. Historically minded Pentecostals and charismatics are pleased to see these resources being brought together and the openness that FPHC has…
Steve Wright HT602ON Historical Theology 2 November 17, 2014 Introduction Doctrine is critical because what you believe will determine how you live. Therefore, the…
Have you read the book? Here’s a great concise review of its main points
6 REASONS WE SHOULD TRUST THE LORD TODAY John Kissinger [03/18/2015 7:56 AM]http://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-study/topical-studies/7-daily-steps-to-trust-in-the-lord-with-all-your-heart.html
Dr. Lawrence Schiffman of the University of New York states that, “When you look at the scrolls they are almost as if you were…
God is a judge; a righteous judge. The Scriptures remind us over and over again that God’s judgments are perfectly righteous (Ps. 96:13, 98:9;…
James K. A. Smith It can be a little intimidating in a Reformed context to admit that one is Pentecostal. It’s a bit like…
An Open Letter to Reverend Franklin Graham Dear Rev. Graham, We write to you in the spirit of Matthew 18: we aim to reconcile…
[Our Abba Father taught Jonah that the one He was looking for was one who was of a broken and contrite (repentant) spirit, and…
Pentecostal Commentary series by DEO Publishing I take it this is a new thing since several are reprints Rick Wadholm Jr Rick Wadholm Jr…
Evangilist Jimmy Callaway [03/20/2015 11:40 AM]Evangilist Jimmy Callaway liked this on Facebook. Thangsan Hisfootstep [03/20/2015 1:10 PM]A must read chapter for Pentecostals. Thangsan…