
‘Glory in the Church’ :: By Paul J. Scharf

‘Glory in the Church’ :: By Paul J. Scharf

One of the greatest privileges that I enjoy as a church ministries representative for The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry is that I get to preach in—and be in—lots of churches. For the most part, these churches are quite similar in terms of their understanding and interpretation of Biblical truth, and, of course, they find […]

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Ancient Hebrew Roots of Hanukkah

The Historical Roots of Hanukkah Return to Guide to Hanukkah for Interfaith Families. The story of Hanukkah is a story of a revolution in… the bus stop the bus stop

“Wisdom crieth without; SHE UTTERETH HER VOICE IN THE STREETS:”– Proverbs 1:20 Father’s leave their baby’s mamma at the bus stop. And the young…



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