Demonic Factor in Mass Shootings and the gun control debate
The Demonic Factor in Mass Shootings: A speculative essay The gun control debate: The recent mass shootings at Sandy Hook elementary School in Conneticut…
The Demonic Factor in Mass Shootings: A speculative essay The gun control debate: The recent mass shootings at Sandy Hook elementary School in Conneticut…
This week we discuss the course The Stories of Jewish Christ: Among the Rabbis with professor Pinchas Shir. How does Jesus earn the title rabbi? What does that mean about the responsibility of the students? What are the early rabbinic sources …
Is open theism heretical? In an effort to make God more appealing to our society men like Greg Boyd, Clark Pinnock, Richard Rice, and…
Sermon given by Win Worley in 1993. © WRW Publications. Pastor Worley’s books, booklets, CDs/DVDs available at https://wrwpublications.com.
[NOTE – Linda from Texas – I replied to you, but the mail keeps returning. If you read, then send me a note.] This is Part 3 in the small series on Liberal Theology. I post these because of my concern about Liberal Theology overtaking the churches and rendering them impotent in any usefulness for […]
The post Liberal Theology in the Churches: Part 3 :: By Ron Ferguson appeared first on Rapture Ready.
REACH MILLIONS WITH YOUR MESSAGE 1. Join the Pentecostal group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/pentecostaltheologygroup/ 2. Post your topic in the group 3. We will publish it…
by Tony Richie Official church historians consider the Church of God (Cleveland, TN USA) the oldest continuing, and one of the largest, Pentecostal ecclesial…