The Charismatic Leaders Consultation, 2020
This years Charismatic Leaders Fellowship Conference, now called “consultation,” (CLC) was held in Augusta Georgis, February 24-27. Yearly, this group of Charismatic leaders meets…
This years Charismatic Leaders Fellowship Conference, now called “consultation,” (CLC) was held in Augusta Georgis, February 24-27. Yearly, this group of Charismatic leaders meets…
True or False prophecy alert: Sunday, 3/29/20. I watched the Eagle Mountain Church on the Kenneth Copeland channel (BVON) at noontime. Pastor George Pearson,…
Several Christian pastors are calling for united prayers to stop the coming coronavirus pandemic. That seems like a good thing to do, although my…
Someone asked if I believed a Christian can have a demon. I thought my response might be helpful to others as well. I wrote:…
In Mark 3:1-6, Jesus goes into a synagogue where there is a man with a shriveled hand and the Pharisees are watching to see if he will heal on the Sabbath. Jesus then
Then Jesus asked them, "Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good…
These signs shall follow all who believe.. In my name they shall cast out demons….speak in a new tongue..lay hands on the sick …raise…
This blog posting examines a theologically unpopular and neglected topic: the wrath of God. It also suggests how the mercy of God flowers once…
At the International Order of St. Luke (OSL) convention last July, I received an invitation to come to the Hedersonville, North Carolina, for a…
Donald Trump’s Presidency and False Prophecy William L. De Arteaga, Ph.D Recently the Mark Galli’s op-ed piece in Christianity Today created uproar among Evangelical…
Some churches teach beards are wrong. Is it Biblical?
Healing Methodology One of the reasons we see for healing and miracles in the Bible is to bear witness to the word. It…
The Discovery of the idealist basis of the universe[1] In the nineteenth century, just when Christian realism and secular materialism were most influential,…