The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness
The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness ~ Ray E Horton “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these…
The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness ~ Ray E Horton “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these…
The false prophesy of David Wilkerson In the Twentieth Century there was the very interesting case of David Wilkerson’s 1973 false prophecy. The Rev….
In 1 Kings 18, verse 16 onwards we read that Elijah performed a miracle.
He prays to God and brings fire down from heaven to consume the sacrifice.
He is shown as a courageous prophet who is not afraid of King Ahab or the f…
EXPOSING THE SERPENT’S STRATEGY! Hang with me on this one. We all know that Satan’s strategy is to stop the voices of anyone who…
Righteousness by Faith ~ from Ray E Horton’s Notes on Pastor Jim Dumont’s Message [Brother Dumont, my former pastor, who founded Erie Christian Fellowship…
Leadership in the Church – Ray E Horton Today, much of the terminology for church leadership comes out of tradition rather than Biblical example….
Praying by the blood of Jesus Daniel Olukoya Topic: #1 of 69 for Sermons on Prayer: In the Spirit Scripture: Revelation 12:11 Denomination: Pentecostal Date Added: June 2006, Audience: General…
Overcoming by Planting in Our Hearts Memorials of Remembrance of our Testimonies God wants us to remember what He has done in our lives,…
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Current Trajectories in Global Pentecostalism Culture, Social Engagement, and Change Roger G. Robins Edited by Printed Edition of the Special Issue Published in…
Did you know that Rev. Finis J. Dake, a well-known minister in the AoG who tried to get Zion City, IL founded by Rev….
IF IT CONTRADICTS THE BIBLE, IT IS NOT TRUTH ~ Ray E Horton There is an important distinction concerning whether it is in the…