What the Numbers Say about Pentecostal Theology?

What the Numbers Say about Pentecostal Theology?

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What the Numbers Say

Based on the numbers, here’s what a “reader profile” would look like. Since it’s not the complete picture with some additional thoughts to fill out the portrait:

  • Our typical reader is a male (56%) between the ages of 31-60 (78%), though the gender mix has shifted significantly since my 2013 survey when the split was 62% male. (Nevertheless, I will use the masculine pronoun in describing the other attributes below.)
  • He also tends to be an entrepreneur or business owner (36%) with at least a college degree (83%) and a household income of $70,000 or more (60%).
  • He lives in the S. (74%), most likely in the Southeast (31%). In terms of states, he most likely resides in Texas (9%) or California (9%). The size of my U.S. audience has been slowly ebbing as my international audience grows—especially in Canada, Australia, and the UK.
  • He identifies himself as a Christian (84%) and attends a nondenominational church (34%).
  • He’s most interested when I discuss personal development (81%), productivity (73%), leadership (66%), and goal-setting (65%). And he’s recommended my blog to others (78%).
  • He also listens to my podcast (64%), typically on a mobile device (43%). Incidentally, based on my Google Analytics data, almost half my readers now access my site on a mobile device.
  • The biggest challenge he faces is not having enough time (52%), money (37%), or clarity (37%) to accomplish what he wants. These key challenges tie back to his main interests.
  • He sets annual goals (82%), mostly with a focus on his business (46%).
  • He reads at least two books a month (71%) and hopes to publish a book of his own (45%), is in the process of doing so (12%), and/or has already done it (12%).
  • He is active on several social media networks, including Facebook (81%), Twitter (73%), and LinkedIn (62%).

The most significant demographic shift I see is the larger number of women readers. I went from 38% to 44%, which is a big jump. Less noticeable but also important is the international growth. More than a quarter of my audience is now outside the U.S. In my last survey the figure was just over a fifth.


  • Reply August 16, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    they say a lot I tell ya Joe Absher

  • Reply August 16, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Our typical reader is a male (56%) between the ages of 31-60 (78%), though the gender mix has shifted significantly since my 2013 survey when the split was 62% male. (Nevertheless, I will use the masculine pronoun in describing the other attributes below.)
    He also tends to be an entrepreneur or business owner (36%) with at least a college degree (83%) and a household income of $70,000 or more (60%).
    He lives in the S. (74%), most likely in the Southeast (31%). In terms of states, he most likely resides in Texas (9%) or California (9%). The size of my U.S. audience has been slowly ebbing as my international audience grows—especially in Canada, Australia, and the UK.
    He identifies himself as a Christian (84%) and attends a nondenominational church (34%).

  • Joe Absher
    Reply August 16, 2019

    Joe Absher

    Love Numbers

    Numbers 24:17 KJV — I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth.

  • Reply August 16, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    give us your stats view Jim Price

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