Methodists VOTE against gay marriage and LGBT clergy

Methodists VOTE against gay marriage and LGBT clergy

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United Methodist churches and clergy could face removal from the denomination if they do not affirm its stance against gay marriage and noncelibate LGBT clergy by 2021. The church reached the decision in a vote at a General Conference in St. Louis on Tuesday.

Church leaders say the move will almost surely lead more liberal members to leave the mainline denomination.

The vote for the “Traditional” plan came after the church voted to reject an earlier proposal, known as the “One Church” plan, which would have allowed local churches to perform same-sex weddings and hire openly LGBT clergy. That move was pitched by proponents as a way to keep the increasingly fractious denomination together amid widespread disagreements about scripture and the morality of same-sex relationships. “Many of us have members who are saying they will leave,” said the Rev. Tom Berlin of Virginia, a member of the church’s legislative committee. “A virus of conflict will spread.”

Instead, United Methodists voted to push forward the “Traditional” plan, which passed with a vote of 438 to 384.
“Today, more than 800 worldwide General Conference delegates affirmed the Traditional Plan as The Way Forward for The United Methodist Church,” Bishop Scott Jones said in a statement. “This decision resolves a long-standing debate about how we can best accomplish our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” “Our views on same-sex marriage have not changed. We will continue to welcome lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered and queer persons to our churches and affirm their sacred worth,” the statement said.


  • Reply February 28, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    • Terry Wiles
      Reply February 28, 2019

      Terry Wiles

      Here we go again. The same group was silent with President Clinton’s AG had ICE and the FBI break in with guns to separate a child and return him to CUBA. People report what they want others to swallow.

  • Brian Roden
    Reply February 28, 2019

    Brian Roden

    So what do you make of this article:

    I followed the links to the UMC documents cited, and it appears the the writer of the article conveniently ignores some of the strong statements against abortion that are on the UMC web site.

  • Terry Wiles
    Reply February 28, 2019

    Terry Wiles

    Brian Roden Don’t worry. The outside the USA coalition won’t hold for long. The USA group supports both Homosexuality and abortion.

    • Brian Roden
      Reply February 28, 2019

      Brian Roden

      I’m praying that the church discipline some are talking about will result in the removal of the left wing bishops, allowing the faithful elements within the UMC to right the ship rather than have to abandon it. The grassroots UMC members I hear from are much more conservative than the bishops that have been pushing an agenda.

    • Reply February 28, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      they’ve been holding for quite some years now

    • Terry Wiles
      Reply February 28, 2019

      Terry Wiles

      Brian Roden I too pray for that to happen. Not sure that coalition exists with the younger members of the national group. I know there are some conservation Methodist groups, particularly in the South. Perhaps the South will rise up. God help us all. Everything is seeming to “slouch toward Gomorrah” as Bork prophetically declared years ago. It seems to me there is an attitude of “tolerance” even among many young Pentecostal leaders. Hope I’m missing something.

    • Tim Dalton
      Reply February 28, 2019

      Tim Dalton

      The gays have had power since the 80s. Each year the gay caucus in the UMC grows stronger and more perverted. Many of the conservative groups (good news etc.” are not biblically conservative and I wonder if they don’t use those groups as a way to get grassroots power.

      I turned in my credentials in the UMC in the 80s as the supremacy of scripture had taken a back seat. Once that happens, it opens up for sin in the church. I see that happening or has happened in Pentecostal denominations.

      Others may hear from grassroots members, but the power in the church are the conferences. They are made up of the Elders. I could give you a deep history of the downward history of the Methodists, but I will leave it for now saying that by 1812 the most famous american circuit rider, peter Cartwright, said the church had already died. It has had a long funeral.

    • Reply February 28, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Since the 80s or since Sodom ?

  • Louise Cummings
    Reply February 28, 2019

    Louise Cummings

    Thank the Lord.

  • Marco Darko
    Reply February 28, 2019

    Marco Darko

    not shocked

    • Reply February 28, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      whats to be shocked about? – they did the right thing when they voted against it – no?

  • Reply February 28, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Some see that happening or has happened in Pentecostal denominations and this is where Tim Dalton is dead wrong

    • Tim Dalton
      Reply February 28, 2019

      Tim Dalton

      please share your knowledge of the UMC. Are you an insider?

    • Reply February 28, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      I am on entire sanctification – what do you need to know? What denomination are you ?

    • Tim Dalton
      Reply February 28, 2019

      Tim Dalton

      Troy Day you said I was wrong about the UMC. Did I say they were wrong or did you once again fail to read. Troy what University did you attend for your degrees.

    • Reply February 28, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      I was commenting on your prior remarks What denomination are you – is ti going gay too?

    • Tim Dalton
      Reply February 28, 2019

      Tim Dalton

      Troy Day I was an ordained Elder in the UMC but left in the 80s. I am now Calvary Chapel. The old hippie in me.

    • Tim Dalton
      Reply February 28, 2019

      Tim Dalton

      I still have very close friends who are in leadership in the UMC.

    • Reply February 28, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      which one?

    • Tim Dalton
      Reply February 28, 2019

      Tim Dalton

      Many in leadership, but I keep things kinda private on the net.

    • Reply February 28, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      I see You probably have more info then all of us then Pls share about how strong the outside support is and IF UMC is going into the whole gay ordination anytime soon

    • Tim Dalton
      Reply February 28, 2019

      Tim Dalton

      Troy Day Not really. The gay movement is very strong and grow stronger in the USA daily. I resigned in the 80s over thei ssue of the authority of scripture. There was a very strong underground movement then. It has come above ground and has gained many lay members. It is all about who owns the property, but I can see full ordination in the USA. That means it will be a separate church from the rest of the world.

    • Reply February 28, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      So you’ve been out for quite few decades now What about their historical archives? Where can one research on the historic development of this issue through the years?

    • Tim Dalton
      Reply March 1, 2019

      Tim Dalton

  • Tim Dalton
    Reply March 1, 2019

    Tim Dalton

    If my memory is correct, in the early 80s the first trial of a clergy person for being a self-proclaimed, avowed practicing Homosexual caused a major storm in the church. It was in Colorado. That was the litmus test and it grew from there. There are many practicing in the ordained ministry today. In fact whole churches (welcoming) with alternate lifestyle Pastors.

  • Reply March 1, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Tim Dalton you still seems to be citing your own memories from the 80s America – the issue has been long international As a matter of fact it has not been American / Western since the 80s What is our current response still remains to be figured out

    • Tim Dalton
      Reply March 1, 2019

      Tim Dalton

      well you got some urls and actually I have friends, but some info was confidential. I have actually moved on although I pray for the people I knew. I still encouraged those I know in the UMC.

    • Reply March 1, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      ursl with confidential info? – pls do tell

    • Tim Dalton
      Reply March 1, 2019

      Tim Dalton

      Troy Day look up confidential. They told me as they trust me and know I will pray about the situations.

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