In 1 Kings 18, verse 16 onwards we read

In 1 Kings 18, verse 16 onwards we read

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In 1 Kings 18, verse 16 onwards we read that Elijah performed a miracle. He prays to God and brings fire down from heaven to consume the sacrifice. He is shown as a courageous prophet who is not afraid of King Ahab or the f…


  • Reply January 7, 2019


    Do you think Jezebel might have been an old hag, not like the actress who portrayed her in the movie?

  • Reply January 7, 2019


    I declare some of you guys must live in church. Your idea of opposition is a bad sound board and crying baby during the offering.

  • Reply January 7, 2019


    Link Hudson do you think Jezebel was a spirit with a body?

  • Reply January 8, 2019


    So what’s the story Link Hudson
    you dont believe people can have demons
    or you dont believe Jazz Able was a demon
    or what?

  • Reply January 8, 2019


    I don’t blame Elijah for fleeing from that.

  • Reply January 8, 2019


    Elijah ran because by the time he was about to face the real problem..Jezebel, he had emptied all his ammunition on her prophets….
    David didn’t take just one small stone he took five…when he faced Goliat.

  • Reply January 8, 2019


    Yes. I know. I love the Bible about Elijah. I was just making a joke out of the way she dressed. She got that accused of that kind of dressing and being painted up. Preachers use to use that in a message. When they preached about make up. I shouldn’t have used it as of because the way she was dressed and painted up. I didn’t mean to offend anyone. I didn’t think about that. I’m sorry. But I knew why he ran. And the whole story behind it. But thinks for explaining. You did the right thing. Just keep telling it straight. That’s what we need is preachers and whom ever. We always need to tell it like the Bible says it. I think bro. Troy Day has had some great things on there about the Bible and end times. But thank you.

  • Reply January 8, 2019


    Isara Mo the question ALSO refers to the one from Revelation – was she a spirit and can she inhabit modern day churches?

  • Reply January 8, 2019


    Isara Mo you started saying something similar to Link Hudson but then you said

    I believe that WOMAN JEZEBEL in Revelation was a woman with spirits that has enabled her to control

    well – wouldnt this be the very definition of a Jazz Able spirit?

  • Reply January 9, 2019


    There are people who say they discern spirits who call them different things. Troy mentioned George Fox a week or two ago. He used to describe spirits as being like animals, I think, or Judas’ spirit. That sort of thing. So if there is an actual demon that has some characteristics like Jezebel, I cannot rule that out. I am sure there are plenty of people who will say God spoke to them about such things.

    But I do not see where the Bible actually mentions anything about a ‘Jezebel spirit’ as a demonic entity. And some Charismatics do take terms like ‘Jezebel spirit’ to refer to some kind of principality. I encountered one who thought the Jezebel spirit was more powerful than Satan. To me that is evidence of exalting recent Charismatic tradition over scripture.

    Some people use ‘spirit’ loosely. They don’t mean that a ‘Jezebel spirit’ or ‘religious spirit’ or whatever is an actual demon or principality. I don’t suppose the cheerleaders at my high school thought ‘school spirit’ was an actual demon, either.

  • Reply January 9, 2019


    brother Link Hudson you always do well on this topic. I’ve said it before but whenever I’ve seen men call a woman Jezebel is usually because they can’t control her or make her do something she doesn’t want to do. It’s mostly men that want something they can’t have. It the worst kind of spiritual and scriptural abuse.
    I’m not saying there aren’t demon attacks and manipulation against the leadership. I’m just saying it’s not always accurate to blame the girls. or deacons or the “board’ either. Sometimes the man of God has to own his mess.

  • Reply January 9, 2019


    Couldn’t someone describe anyone with a Jezebel spirit because they are controlling? AND i mean that in the context that person doesn’t necessarily HAVE TO HAVE all the aspects, that Link Hudson mentioned?

  • Reply January 9, 2019


  • Reply January 9, 2019


    “Discretion is the better part of valor.”

    Caution is preferable to rash bravery. Said by Falstaff in King Henry the Fourth, Part One , by William Shakespeare.

  • Reply January 9, 2019


    Let’s talk about this. I suspect this part was not from Unger. Is this what we are supposed to be discussing or something else? I’ll put my comments up front.

    Peter says if any man speak, let him speak as the word of God. Especially when we are edifying one another in church, our words need to be the word of God. We can teach and expound upon scripture, which is revealed by God. We can exhort and encourage others to follow the word of God. The Spirit can empower people to prophesy and share revelations, which should be in line with the scriptures. There can be tongues and interpretations. We should stay away from wild speculation. Everything needs to come from divine authority when we are teaching or preaching. We are teach, preach, encourage, prophesy based on revelation. Teachers expound and explain already given revelation. Prophets give a revelation for the moment in line with the revelation of the Bible.

    There is a bunch of negative characteristics here. I just get the feeling that a pastor or other leader who had dealt with an individual some people with bad character wrote up those character traits in a ‘Jezebel spirit’ article.

    First of all, just from a straightforward reading of the Bible, we cannot say that there is an actual entity, a demon, called ‘the Jezebel spirit.’ The article starts off ‘This high level evil spirit’… which sounds to me like it claims that this is some kind of principality.

    My question is, what is the authority for this. Did God reveal this? The Bible does not teach that ‘the spirit of Jezebel’ is a high level evil spirit. So does the author claim to have a spiritual revelation about. If so, I would like to know that. Don’t just throw out a claim like this without support.

    That sort of thing is something that irks me a bit by some streams of ‘Charismatics’, or Third Wave or NAR or some of these other movements– throwing out some kind of second hand revelation where we don’t know where it came from. Making pronouncements that something is true without backing it up by scripture or telling us the source of who got the revelation.

    As far as the Biblical Jezebel goes, I don’t see how a lot of these characteristics have a lot to do with Jezebel. Did Jezebel volunteer for everything? Did she ignore people? How are we supposed to know that?

    If the author is claiming to get all this information from ‘discernment of spirits’. It seems like a lot of Charismatics get some doctrine from someone else– who speaks authoritatively but doesn’t tell the source of the ‘revelation’– adds to it, and the body of extrabiblical doctrine grows.

    I’ve heard or read that someone said the Lord revealed to him or her that someone else had a spirit of Jezebel. I can’t say for sure whether that is true or not. But I can oppose the method of taking some doctrine that we do not know comes from revelation from God (e.g. from scripture…or at least some kind of revelation in line with scripture at the very least) adding to it, and teaching it as truth. Let’s speak the word of God.

    As for the characteristics below, many of them can be taught against very clearly and specifically using scripture without adding to the extra-Biblical ‘Jezebel spirit’ lore and the ‘Jezebel spirit’ doctrine.

    I will post the article I am addressing below:

  • Reply January 9, 2019


    The article I addressed earlier: Jezebel spirit article part 1:
    This high level evil spirit has been responsible for tearing down many churches, pastors, people with prophetic ministries, and other ministries. Not only that, Jezebel Spirit has also been responsible for breaking up many marriages, friendships, companies, along with getting many people to commit cold-blooded murders and suicides. But what are the different ways in which this Jezebel Spirit operates? How can we identify the Spirit of Jezebel?

    Identifying The Spirit of Jezebel

    Refuses to admit guilt or wrong
    A person with a Jezebel spirit is will never admits wrong, unless it is a temporary admittance of guilt to gain “favor” with someone. To accept responsibility would violate the core of insecurity and pride from which it operates. When a Jezebel apologizes it is never in true repentance or acknowledgment of wrongdoing but rather “I’m sorry your feelings were hurt.”

    Takes credit for everything
    While a strong trait of Jezebel is to never take responsibility for his wrong actions or behavior, he also is quick to take credit for benefits for which he contributed no effort.

    Uses people to accomplish its agenda
    The Spirit of Jezebel lets others do its dirty work. The Jezebel gets another person’s emotions stirred up, then lets that person go into a rage. The Jezebel sits back looking innocent, saying “Who me? What did I do?” This behavior makes it difficult for even the most ardent truth seekers to pin one down. The Jezebel spirit is clever in its agenda.

    Withholds information
    Withholding information is one of the way a person operating under the influence of the Jezebel Spirit holds and maintain. Remember the Jezebel spirit is a form of witchcraft. Witchcraft spirits loves to control other people. A Jezebel wields power over you by knowing something you don’t know in a situation. In the eyes of a Jezebel, having information you don’t have is a powerful weapon of control.

    Jezebel is threaten by Prophetic #Ministry
    A person with a Jezebel spirit will do everything in its power to destroy a person with a prophetic ministry or gift. Reason being is that someone with a prophetic gift or ministry will be able to identify Jezebel Spirit and will attack it. Remember Jezebel in the Bible tried to destroy all the true prophets of #God and even tried to kill Elijah.

    Volunteers for anything
    A Jezebel loves to volunteer, especially for projects were he/she will be seen and can have some level of control. Although he will work hard, his motive is never pure, and eventually his secret agenda cannot be hidden.

    A person with a Jezebel Spirit will lie, even when they don’t have to and are hard to detect. No one can lie better than a Jezebel. He can make you believe whatever he/she wants you to as he/she does this through manipulation. The fact that Jezebel can look you in the eye and lie just shows how strong and adamant this rebellious and recalcitrant spirit is.

    Ignores people
    A classic ploy of a controller is to ignore you when you disagree with him. This tactic is frequently used by leaders when someone doesn’t agree with their plans, and they isolate the person by ignoring him. Some in these situations have been ignored for months, just because they chose not to be a puppet and say to every idea or whim. This puts the person out of the leader’s grace and forces him to either “come around” to the leader’s way of thinking or be indefinitely ignored. One is not free to disagree with a controller.

    Never gives credit or shows gratitude
    A person with the Spirit of Jezebel will rarely give credit to someone or acknowledge another person’s actions, not even for something that turned out to greatly benefit the Jezebel. He just cannot bring himself to say thank you or to acknowledge that someone else did something right. There are those who have gone out of their way to bless a Jezebel by being the catalyst of sending him on a trip or giving a gift. Yet never will there be a thank you. This again puts the controller in a position of power. If Jezebel does, it is always to accomplish an end-game, but never from a pure #heart.

    Criticizes everyone
    This is a characteristic of a controller. He has to be the one who looks good, so he will quickly sharply criticize anyone who makes a suggestion or plan. Even though he likes the plan, he can only criticize it because the idea did not originate from him. Criticizing others elevates the controller in his own mind.

    A person with a Jezebel spirit will always upstage another person. Jezebel feels threatened by anyone who dares to steal the limelight or anyone who is a threat to his power and control. If you are with such a person and tell of your accomplishment or victory, you can be assured he will quickly tell of something he has accomplished.

  • Reply January 9, 2019


    The Jezebel spirit article from the website part II:

    Spiritualizes everything
    When a controller is confronted, he commonly spiritualizes the situation, explaining it off on God. This prevents him from owning up to responsibility required of him. The implication is always, “You’ve got a problem; I don’t.”

    Is insubordinate
    A Jezebel never takes the side of the employer or a person in authority, unless it is a temporary action to make himself look good. He often will take credit for someone else’s idea. His main desire is for power and control. There is no conscience when an opportunity for recognition presents itself.

    Is pushy and domineering
    A person with a Jezebel spirit pressures you to do things, seemingly ripping from you your right to choose or make a decision for yourself. He makes others feel as though they don’t have enough sense to think for themselves.

    Uses the element of surprise
    A Jezebel’s main thrust is to be in control, and a large part of control is catching you off guard. Therefore, the element of surprise works well when he shows up a day early for a meeting, etc.

    Sows seeds of discord
    A Jezebel will continually belittle another person in the most subtle way. The strategy is to “gain” control by minimizing the value of another person. It is common for him to tell half-truths to implicate another person in your eyes. By sowing these seeds, he hopes to eventually reap a harvest of destruction, improving his position of power.

    Commands attention
    A Jezebel likes to be the center of attention and doesn’t like to see others recognized and lauded. When someone else is recognized, he will quickly undermine the person’s accomplishments verbally.

    Is vengeful
    Since a Jezebel is never wrong, if you contradict or confront one, get ready to become his worst enemy. As long as you are in agreement with him, all is fine. But if you confront or challenge him, then look out. You are the target of his fiercest venom. A Jezebel will stop at nothing to destroy your reputation.

    Attempts to make you look like you’re the Jezebel
    A Jezebel spirit is difficult to pin down. If the person is near to being confronted, he or she will skillfully twist the entire situation, trying to make the innocent person look like the one who is attempting to control. As always, the Jezebel will do anything to look like the one who is right.

    Insinuates disapproval
    A Jezebel will often imply disapproval to those under his or her control. The controlled person feels no freedom to express an opinion, for fear of disapproval. This often manifests in a#marriage or in a working environment.

    Knows it all
    A Jezebel is usually blatant regarding his knowledge of everything. Quick to express his opinion in any area, he leaves little room for anyone to point out the other side of an issue. He has made idols of his opinions.

    Is ambitious
    The Jezebel has strong desire, but all for self. “I want what I want when I want it,” describes his worship of self-will. A Jezebel leader will never use the words, “We have a vision,” but rather, “My vision is thus and so.”

    Gift giving
    A person with the spirit of Jezebel loves to give gifts, this again is a form of control as the Jezebel uses gifts to make you feel obligated to him. It also compromises the victim in speaking against him or her or to confront truth about that person. I am not saying that everyone who gives gifts are Jezebel or does this to control others, but gift giving is a tactic used by those who have a need to control.

    Is independent
    No one has input in a Jezebel’s life. He fraternizes with no one unless it is to get you to “cooperate” with his agenda.

    Is religious
    A Jezebel dwells in the local church but doesn’t like authority unless he is in the position of authority. He or she will behave like they are holy or a Christian, but they are not.

    We all want to believe that the person with a Jezebel spirit is delivered. The person may seem “normal” for a period, exhibiting none of the classic traits. Then suddenly without warning a situation will arise, once again with the spirit taking control and wreaking havoc over lives. Hopefully, true repentance will come. Only then will the person be delivered. Bible Knowledge wrote a very good article about The Jezebel Spirit and How it Operates I recommend you check it out.

  • Reply January 9, 2019


    because her dudes with sharp spears were coming after him

  • Reply January 9, 2019


    Revelation 17:5 ?

  • Reply January 9, 2019


    Rev 17: 5 speaks of Babylon…Mother of Whores..A woman who drunk the blood of Lords people….
    Reading thru Rev 17 will reveal that the churchs problem is this “Mother of Whores”
    The scripture doesn’t call her thus and it seems the ” woman” is more of a spirit than a human woman….
    So the given diversities of Jezebel characterists in the given link could be wrapped up in ” The Mother of Whores”
    Was it a mystery?
    Rev 13: 2 says what?…
    And Satan gave the beast his throne..authority and great power..(the beast from the sea..)..
    Any person conversant with Revelation can you plse give light..?

  • Reply January 9, 2019


    Why would Babylon be Jezebel?

  • Reply January 9, 2019


    34 Spirts mentioned in the Bible:

    Spirit of heaviness (Isaiah 61:3 and Proverbs 16:2)

    Spirit of bondage (Romans 11:15)

    Wounded spirit (Proverbs 18:14)

    Evil spirit (1 Samuel 16:14)

    Unclean spirit (Matt. 12:43, Zech. 13:2, Mark 5:2-20)

    Spirit of slumber (Romans 11:8)

    Spirit of deep sleep (Isaiah 29:10)

    Spirit of your mind (Eph.4:23)

    Spirit of anti-Christ (1 John 4:3)

    Spirit of error (1 John 4:6)

    Hasty spirit (Prov. 14:29)

    Broken spirit (Prov. 15:13, Prov. 17:22)

    Haughty spirit (Prov. 16:13)

    Spirit of disobedience (Eph. 2:2)

    Spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7)

    Lying spirit (1 Kings 22:21-23 sent to 4oo prophets in verse 6.)
    (Imagine that…ONE lying spirit caused 400 prophets to lie!)

    Spirit of whoredoms (Hosea 4:12)

    Spirit of divination (Acts 16:16)

    Spirit of infirmity (Luke 13:10-17)

    Seducing Spirit (1 Timothy 4:1)

    ************************************************** ***************************
    Holy Spirit (Mentioned throughout the Bible!)

    Spirit of the Lord (Isaiah 11:2)

    Spirit of wisdom and understanding (Isaiah 11:2)

    Spirit of counsel and might (Isaiah 11:2)

    Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD (Isaiah 11:2)

    Spirit of wisdom and revelation (Eph.1:17)

    Spirit of truth (1 John 4:6)

    Faithful spirit (Proverbs 11:13)

    Humble spirit (Proverbs 16:19)

    An excellent spirit (Proverbs 17:27)

    Spirit of judgement and burning (Isaiah 4:4)

    Spirit if grace and supplication (Zech. 4:4)

    Spirit of adoption (Romans 8:5)

    Spirit of jealousy (of man: Numbers 5:14)

    Spirit of jealousy (of God, for he is a jealous God: Deut. 4:24 and Deut. 29:20)
    Last edited by Diggindeeper; Sep 3rd 2011 at 04:31 AM.

  • Reply January 10, 2019


    I was a bit surprised by the list from the Bible. However, Hindu chooses their on God. I think they have many to choose from, over a hundred.

  • Reply January 10, 2019


    should not be surprised from the Bible list – it is what it is Isara Mo how do you see the said spirit NOT entering the person? The spirit tiself cant do much without a body – hence demonology

  • Reply January 11, 2019


    Isara Mo I read all your posts again today I am missing where and how the Jezebel spirit cannot infest a believer as did in Revelation? What am I missing here again? Link Hudson

  • Reply January 11, 2019


    Link Hudson Isara Mo I have truly READ many books on Revelation 7 churches being one of my area of research I could probably safely say more than half of this group has read taken together

    I have not ONCE read anyone who claimed the woman of Revelation was actually named Jezebel – not once

    Would you pls point my to just ONE scholarly resource that claims the woman of Revelation in question was named Jezebel by her parent(s) when she was born – Thank you

  • Reply January 11, 2019


    He was speaking to one of the seven Churches of Asia Thyatira. 2:20 He commended their works of charity, and service and faith, and patience. And your works ; and the last to be more vthanghe first. (Verse 19). Verse 20 sounds like the woman to me. But my Bible foot notes says. – The Lords speaking here of spiritual fornicationand adultery, which means they had forsaken Christ and the Cross for other things ( Romans 7:1-4. / erase 22 Behold I will cast her into a bed. (You know the verses. ) but my foot notes brings out The bed “ refers to false teachers who taught Salvation by works, which was spiritual adultery. Again there was a warning to repent. And getting off this teaching but I had thought of Salvation by works before I read it in my foot notes. But you will know how to bring that out. But back to false teaching I was going to tell about I was studying yesterday was hyper Grace movement. I had heard the teaching but never heard it called that name. Now to me. I hope you don’t believe it. But to me it’s a real false doctrine. They believe that all sin ( past, present , and future ) has already been forgiven: therefore , Christians have no need to confess , repent, or struggle against temptation. According w this false teaching , God sees us as holy even if we are leading sinful lives. Christians are not required to obey the teachings of Jesus: and we are not responsible w our sins. To me what greater false doctrine could you teach , more than that.

  • Reply January 11, 2019


    Jezebelic powers operate in conjunction with principalities and powers that torment people. (Ephesians 6:12) These demonic powers include spirits of religion…manipulation, control, lust, perversion, and the occult. They often work in concert with a Jezebel spirit to build strongholds in a person’s mind.

  • Reply January 12, 2019


    Some may be tempted to dismiss Jezebel’s claim based on their belief that women are not allowed to exercise this spiritual gift. A quick look at several texts from the NT will demonstrate that women did indeed prophesy under the influence of the Holy Spirit. That doesn’t mean Jezebel did, but her gender was itself no barrier to the proper exercise of this gift.

    I want to suggest that it was possibly (probably?) through this alleged “prophetic” ability that Jezebel gained power and authority in the church at Thyatira and adversely influenced a number of Christians there. It’s not difficult to see how this could (and does) occur. [By the way, a man can display the characteristics of “Jezebel” no less than a woman. This is one sin that is by no means gender specific.]

    The “spirit” of “Jezebel” was not unique to the church in Thyatira. It is alive and well in the body of Christ today. One need only read the latest headlines. It is an insidious, yet subtle, spirit. It is destructive, yet enticing. It typically gains momentum among those who are so fearful of quenching the Spirit (1 Thess. 5:19) that they fail to rein in the flesh.

    The solution is not to repudiate the prophetic altogether, or any other spiritual gift for that matter. Rather, we must become good Bereans, “examining the Scriptures daily” (Acts 17:11) to see if these things are of God or not. In sum, we would do well to heed Paul’s counsel: “Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil” (1 Thess. 5:21-22).

  • Reply January 12, 2019


    Great points. I do believe can operate in the gifts of The Spirit, when they are filled with The Holy Spirit. I believe that’s the only way you can operate with the gifts. Is to be filled with aThe Holy Ghost. Because if it is not in the Spirit. Then it could very well be in the flesh. The way I see it.

  • Isara Mo
    Reply December 15, 2019

    Isara Mo

    Calling fire from heaven in front of the whole nation needs a man who totally understood the later revelation of Jesus to Peter in Mathew 16:19..
    the kieys of the kingdom.. Whatever you bind on earth is already bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth is already loosed in heave.
    It is a prayer of authority. It is a prayer of confidence. It is a prayer of assurance. It is a prayer of swagger. Jesus has it. The apostles practised it.
    Elijah said NO Rain and there was NO RAIN.
    Elijah called fireeee and there was fireeee.
    Elijah who stopped rain from watering earth for 3 years unloose it.again. and it rained again..
    And this was a man who had never been taught about Faith or read the definition of Faith in Hebrews 11:1 or went to a theological college. Simple faith.
    Troy too much education eats faith..

  • Isara Mo
    Reply December 15, 2019

    Isara Mo

    One thing which astounds me is the fact that he couldn’t call fire on Jezebel but ran for his life..

  • Reply December 15, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    In 1 Kings 18, verse 16 onwards we read that Elijah performed a miracle. He prays to God and brings fire down from heaven to consume the sacrifice. He is shown as a courageous prophet who is not afraid of King Ahab

    • Isara Mo
      Reply December 16, 2019

      Isara Mo

      Troy Day
      Are you courageous?
      Can you summon ALL the citizens in your city to come to the stadium so that you can call down fire ftom heaven?
      Sure Elijah was not afraid at all of King Ahab but was terrified of Jezebel.
      A reversal of roles..

    • Reply December 16, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Isara Mo I am very courageous? are you?
      I can summon ALL the citizens – can you?

  • George Hartwell
    Reply December 15, 2019

    George Hartwell

    A prophet’s prayers are effective if they are listening to God and aligned with what God is doing. It is not some blank check to do what we want to whoever we want. Otherwise one can get un-hinged and into “name it, claim it” theology.

    • Isara Mo
      Reply December 16, 2019

      Isara Mo

      George Hartwell
      Thanks George.

    • Reply December 16, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      BIBLE also says gifts shall not pass

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