How is it that some Bibles have errors?

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Luchen Bailey |


This brings up another question, How is it that some Bible do have errors in it.

This brings up another question, How is it that some Bible do have errors in it. Such as, King James II Printed in 1970. I have a copy and liked it, however it contains many typographical errors like duplicated words. Remember these are typographical errors.

John Kissinger [11/27/2015 12:28 PM] Rick Wadholm Jr

John Kissinger [11/28/2015 3:42 PM]

Rick Wadholm Jr [11/28/2015 3:53 PM]
I love when KJV Only folks think they have developed an intelligent chart for a translation family tree. #cute

John Kissinger [11/28/2015 3:56 PM]
given any of them have actually SEEN a 1611 KVJ Ricky


  • Reply March 31, 2016

    Carl Murphy


  • Reply March 31, 2016

    Michel Gutman

    Starring with the King James Version, and it’s use of the word “Easter,” instead of Passover….

  • Reply March 31, 2016

    John Ruffle

    It used ro be a crime to publish a copy of the Bible with errors in it; so my mother used tell me (the KJV is still Crown Copyright technically). She also told me that the very finest Bibles were printed on rice paper from China … and that if I was VERY hungry, I could eat them!

  • Varnel Watson
    Reply December 5, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    Lets say it: NLT Is just not a Bible

  • Street Preacherz
    Reply December 5, 2017

    Street Preacherz

    Mines just fine thanks. Unicorns and all lol

  • Reply April 10, 2020

    Varnel Watson

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How is it that some Bibles have errors?

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This brings up another question, How is it that some Bible do have errors in it.

This brings up another question, How is it that some Bible do have errors in it. Such as, King James II Printed in 1970. I have a copy and liked it, however it contains many typographical errors like duplicated words. Remember these are typographical errors.

John Kissinger [11/27/2015 12:28 PM] Rick Wadholm Jr

John Kissinger [11/28/2015 3:42 PM]

Rick Wadholm Jr [11/28/2015 3:53 PM]
I love when KJV Only folks think they have developed an intelligent chart for a translation family tree. #cute

John Kissinger [11/28/2015 3:56 PM]
given any of them have actually SEEN a 1611 KVJ Ricky

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