George Fox speaks for himself

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Mark Walker |


OK I’m posting this at Dan Irving request..

I decided to let George Fox speak for himself..Most Quakers of today are not christian but the early Quakers where very christian and George Fox has always spoke to me..I was a member of the southern Appalachian meeting for scholarship reasons..I can tell you from knowing many of them they range from extremely liberal to very conservative …the Evangelical Quakers churches can only be distinguished by the absence of water baptism…they believe all ordinances are inward..Baptism is a Spirit baptism thus they don’t practice water baptism..

Trying to put Fox into a theological box is very difficult if not impossible. He does believe (has I do) that Christ is the light that enlightens everyone born into the world…as to his doctrine about Jesus and whether or not he preaches “another gospel” I’ll let him speak for himself. He as a very large body of writings and I would be glad to answer any questions or research through his writings to find his own words on any issue…Here is Fox in his on words Dan :

“Testimony Concerning The Blood Of The Old Covenant, And The Blood Of The New Covenant” In Works of George Fox (Volume 5)


The blood of the clean beasts, which was the life of the beasts, with it did the high priest enter once a year into the holy place made with hands, to make an atonement for himself and the people of the Jews in the old covenant; but Christ, our high priest entered into heaven by his own blood , his own life, to make an atonement for us; he tasted death for every man, and was a propitiation for the sins of the whole world, who was dead, and is alive again, and lives for evermore; so he ever liveth to make intercession for his people, and so his people have boldness to enter into the holiest, to wit, into heaven, by the blood , the life of Jesus, by a new and living way, which is consecrated for us through the vail, that is to say, his flesh; glory to God forever, through Jesus the Saviour, and Christ the anointed of God.

Here it is clear Christ is the first and the last, the beginning and ending, and over all in the glory that he had with the Father before the world began; therefore, let your faith stand in Christ, and his blood , his life, by which ye are washed, sanctified, purged, cleansed and redeemed to God, that God, through Christ your Mediator, may have the glory in all your hearts.

Christ said, ?I have glorified thee on earth, I have finished thy work which thou gavest me to do: and now, O Father, glorify thou me with thy own self, with the glory which I had with thee before the world was, for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world.? John xvii. So Christ, a Lamb, without spot or blemish, who redeems us from our vain conversations and traditions of our forefathers, the Jews, ?who verily was ordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifested in these last times,? &c. 1 Pet. i. 19, 20. ?who hath put an end to all the Jews’ offerings and sacrifices,? as the apostle saith; for in the end of the world he hath appeared, (to wit, Christ,) to put away sin with the sacrifice of himself. For if the blood of bulls and goats, which is their life, and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh in the old covenant, how much more shall the blood of Christ, his life, who hath through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to God, ?purge your consciences from dead works, to serve the living God;? so for this cause, he is the Mediator of the New Testament, which is dedicated with his blood , his life: ?so Jesus Christ was surely of a better testament than that of the Jews.? Heb. vii. 22. ?For he, by the grace of God, tasted death for every man.? Heb. ii. and lighteth every man that cometh into the world; and saith, ?I am the light of the world, and he that follows me shall not abide in darkness, but shall have the light of life.? And the apostle told the Ephesians, that he was ?to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which since the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ.? Ephes. iii. ?And he that hath the Son of God, hath life, and he that hath not the Son of God, hath not life.?

Thus the first covenant was dedicated with the blood , which was the life of all flesh: but the new and second covenant is dedicated with the blood , the life of Christ Jesus, which is the alone atonement unto God, by which all his people are washed, sanctified, cleansed, and redeemed to God; so that their faith and testimony stands in the blood of the Lamb, the life of Christ Jesus, foreordained before the world was a Lamb without blemish, guile, spot, or sin, which cleanses from all spots and sin, and washes and makes clean the garments. And Christ abolishes both the blood of beasts, and the altar, and all the traditions in the law, and their offerings and sacrifices before the law, by the offering up of himself once in the end of the world, a Lamb ordained before the foundation of the world, therefore must every one’s faith and testimony stand in him and his blood . And who are the true witnesses of this, but they only that have drunk of the blood of Christ, and eaten of his flesh, which he gives for the life of the world, not such as talk of it only?
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And it may be seen, it was the life of the clean beasts from Abel’s time, that was offered and accepted of by God to cleanse withal, and therefore, they were not to eat the blood , for the blood , the life of the beasts was offered to God for an atonement upon his altar: so it is clear it was the blood , the life of the beasts which God required to make atonement with upon his altar for their souls: for the Lord saith, ?the life of all flesh is the blood ,? and whosoever did eat it was to be cut off; for the life of all flesh, the blood , was to be offered upon his altar to make atonement for their soul, as the Lord required.
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  • Reply May 21, 2017

    Dan Irving

    Mark Walker Does every man have the Spirit of God within themselves?

  • Reply May 21, 2017

    Mark Walker

    It depends on how you define “of” your question on George Fox centered on that GE said every man had the Spirit of Christ ..but I’ve never read where he said that only that Christ is the light that enlightens all men and that enlightenment is inward….if you read my other reply you would see what I stated about the Holy Spirit indwelling US and not just being with us “he is with you and shall be in you”…if you believe that man has nothing of God in him then you espouse total depravity..I don’t agree with that…

    ..the word Spirit means breath or wind…God breathed into Adam and he became a living soul..also we read Ecclesiastes 12:7 “and the dust returns to the ground it came from,
    and the spirit returns to God who gave it.”

    So then the spirit that is in all humans is derived from and proceeds from God..

    But it is not the increased person of the Holy Spirit..the one who is the comforter. The one who is Christ In US. The one who over shadowed Mary and brought our Savior physically into the world..

    The Holy Spirit is a person distinct and separate..He is our comforter and teaches us the deep things of Christ . The is that cannot be uttered by human tongues or fully understood by our intellect alone…in fact shear mental knowledge of scripture or seeking to be righteous for your own benefit is more deadly than being just a straight pagan….

    The Spirit that is in you when ever it turns to Christ it is revitalized and deep calls to deep…when you inwardly turn to Christ that of His that is within you calls for the Holy Spirit. .and like Adam who walked with God in the Garden cries for the living g Spirit to come and fellowship. More than that a born again Spirit wants to be engulfed by the Holy is a lover relationship that our intimacy are a best a pale shadow..

    Yes there is that of God in us and when it through repentance turns to its rightful Lord..”for your own soul and intellect thinks it is the Lord” then it’s lover the Holy Spirit comes to sweep it away as a groom does it’s bride..

    I got a little carried away..indoor it makes sense

  • Reply May 21, 2017

    Wayne Scott

    Dan. God is spirit and He writes His law on people’s hearts universally, thus establishing our sense of right and wrong (MIcah 6:8). You are, however, correct in that the HS will not inhabit an unclean temple, meaning that He will not come in before we respond to His teaching (Titus 2:11-14) with biblical repentance (Ezek 18:21-32; not our modern sinner-friendly version).

    So the truth as I see it is that no one is saved by having the HS reveal God to them and call them to repentance. We are saved only when we respond to that revelation and call by laying down our arms and surrendering our hearts to God which is the only condition that is prerequisite to the indwelling of the HS.

  • Reply December 15, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Trying to put Fox into a theological box is very difficult if not impossible. He does believe (has I do) that Christ is the light that enlightens everyone born into the world…as to his doctrine about Jesus and whether or not he preaches “another gospel” I’ll let him speak for himself. He as a very large body of writings and I would be glad to answer any questions or research through his writings to find his own words on any issue…Here is Fox in his on words Dan :

    “Testimony Concerning The Blood Of The Old Covenant, And The Blood Of The New Covenant” In Works of George Fox (Volume 5)


    The blood of the clean beasts, which was the life of the beasts, with it did the high priest enter once a year into the holy place made with hands, to make an atonement for himself and the people of the Jews in the old covenant; but Christ, our high priest entered into heaven by his own blood , his own life, to make an atonement for us; he tasted death for every man, and was a propitiation for the sins of the whole world, who was dead, and is alive again, and lives for evermore; so he ever liveth to make intercession for his people, and so his people have boldness to enter into the holiest, to wit, into heaven, by the blood , the life of Jesus, by a new and living way, which is consecrated for us through the vail, that is to say, his flesh; glory to God forever, through Jesus the Saviour, and Christ the anointed of God.

  • Angel Bonilla
    Reply December 15, 2018

    Angel Bonilla

    If you read the journal and letters of George Fox you can see how Christ-centered and charismatic He was.

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