Danger of Trading With Those Who Hate God in China

Danger of Trading With Those Who Hate God in China

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Recent news reports reveal that communist authorities are demolishing Catholic churches and shrines in China. All this is happening despite communist propaganda assuring outsiders that religion can be freely practiced in China.

Western observers thought that if they could just wish hard enough and offer concessions, the Chinese leadership would change for the better. Red Chinese autocrats would embrace the free market. The government would abandon its horrible communist ideology. Open markets would open minds, hearts, and perspectives. Catholics might worship freely.

Instead, China keeps doing what it has always done—dynamiting churches and enforcing its communist ideology. The West also keeps doing what it has always done—offering concessions and hoping China’s leadership will change.

The Church and the Communist State: The Impossible Coexistence

Somewhere there should be a proverb of ancient Chinese wisdom that says: Do not trade with those who hate God.

Trade Policy Must Respect God’s Moral Law

The dynamiting of churches offers insight into the Chinese trade policy. Those who do not respect God do not respect the moral law either. Thus, the U.S.-China trade dispute is much simpler than ancient wisdom. Even a child can understand it. One of the first lessons children learn is that those who lie, cheat, and steal are not to be trusted in any matter. To believe otherwise is an illusion.

The present trade dispute with China deals with this wishful thinking. China is now taking the next major step forward toward greater world ascendency and hegemony by directly challenging America.

Now America must decide which way it must go. Will she learn from her mistakes or continue to follow the West’s discredited wishful thinking?

Establishing a New Platform

From the moment of Richard Nixon’s ill-fated trip to China in February of 1972, China began opening up to the West. In exchange for becoming the world’s sweatshop manufacturer, the West agreed to look with a blind eye on human rights violations, horrific labor practices, and brutal religious persecution.

In 2001, communist China joined the World Trade Organization and received the privileges normally conceded to developing economies. Chinese goods flooded the markets and became intertwined with most global production. In general, the rule was that China provided America and the world with cheap stuff while buying agricultural products, meat, and high-profile, high-tech items like planes from America. In addition, China said it would try to better its human rights record.

More Totalitarian Not Less

In the meantime, China’s opening up continues to be a pipe dream. China is becoming more totalitarian, not less.

The present regime is using its facial recognition software to regiment and control its population. A vast Orwellian database assigns social credit scores that punish and reward compliant citizens according to their affinity with party standards. The regime is carrying out the systematic repression of ethnic minorities, including the massive arbitrary detention of Chinese Uighurs.

The whole system rests upon a $34 trillion mountain of private and public debt that corrupt officials have amassed to keep the economy humming.


  • Reply June 17, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    now this is good article William DeArteaga

  • RichardAnna Boyce
    Reply June 19, 2019

    RichardAnna Boyce

    Conservatively China is 10% born again, mostly purified persecuted believers. It is growing very fast; for example Bible studies on university campuses trebling each year. There are many hidden Nicodemus’s in hierarchy of government. It will soon get to 25% when it will have an unstoppable influence in Chinese culture for the better.

    • Reply June 20, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      would you say any of those stats relate to the rich conglomerates the world trades with? Communist party

    • RichardAnna Boyce
      Reply June 20, 2019

      RichardAnna Boyce

      Troy Day please explain

    • Reply June 20, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Communist party of China holds most resources we trade with We dont trade with the poor persecuted church there?

    • RichardAnna Boyce
      Reply June 20, 2019

      RichardAnna Boyce

      Troy Day but looking ahead a few years and many more government decision makers will be born again and comfortable about speaking out because 25% of general population will agree with their influence for cultural change for the better. Roman Empire embraced Christianity too. HK residents singing “hallelujah to the Lord”, including secularists as a peace anthem.

    • Reply June 20, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      You think China will be non communistic ?

    • RichardAnna Boyce
      Reply June 20, 2019

      RichardAnna Boyce

      maybe mixture like HK I imagine

    • Reply June 20, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      not possible – their economy will fall apart like Russian did in the 90s; China already has the so called democratic socialism in place EXCEPT it is ruled by the Communist part holding all the resources we trade – and the underground church being exploited and persecuted. Article claims that currently the American church is trading with the people who exploit and persecute the Church in China

      i.e. your iPhone was probably made by a Chinese worker from an underground Christian church there

    • RichardAnna Boyce
      Reply June 20, 2019

      RichardAnna Boyce

      i live in Philippines which is pragmatic in embracing China within it’s sovereign limits.

    • RichardAnna Boyce
      Reply June 20, 2019

      RichardAnna Boyce

      how safe is facebook, whose employees had easy access to all our passwords for a decade, because not encrypted; and now want access to where we spend our money through Fibria?

  • Philip Williams
    Reply June 20, 2019

    Philip Williams

    A dear friend who has traveled much both as businessman and missionary in both China and Russia had this to say to me: “The Chinese will not kill you, but they will certainly cheat you. The Russians will not cheat you. But they will kill you.”

    Should the US stop trading with India, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and other countries where Christians are actually being killed for their faith?

    Christians in Canada are also being penalized for their faith, and even in America. Should Christians stop trading with America?

    How did the Christians in the New Testament respond to persecution. By expecting Rome not to trade with Judea, or Ephesus?

    I think that Christians should attend to the things of God, and pray for those leaders who he has appointed to govern a world that does not fear him. That’s the way that Christians can obtain favor — when the kings will come to your light as happened with Constantine and many rulers since.

  • Reply June 20, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Philip Williams India, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, Brazil, Russia and China all in the new OIL trade pact The NEW incident sparking war in Iran will only contribute largely

    • Reply June 20, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      YOUR take on the 3 OPs about archaeology, pope and Hagee when you get a chance 2 new Hagee posts on the way

    • Philip Williams
      Reply June 20, 2019

      Philip Williams

      Troy Day I prefer posts about Christians. ?

    • Reply June 20, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Philip Williams as well as the all are

  • Reply January 1, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    Ricky Grimsley Jon Ruthven I believe that very much Pack with Russia King of the NORTH They yellow army is mentioned in the BIBLE Americas external trade and national debt has placed China to be the world’s largest economy by 2030 The kingdom of the Tribulation will be namely a financial monetary kingdom There is much to say about the trade of bread grain to this extent as well We tagged this issue a few weeks ago with Joseph Castillo when China naval chief WARNED of WAR http://www.pentecostaltheology.com/china-naval-chief-warns-of-war/

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