
The New Song 

The New Song 

THE NEW SONG – Ray E Horton  The Bible speaks of “a new song” frequently, from Psalms to Revelation, and even gives us an…

Close of the 10 Commandments

Close of the 10 Commandments

Today we close the study of the 10 Commandments Ten Commandments TABLETS OF STONE There are those who try to negate the Biblical Records….

Prayer Against Evil Altars

Prayer Against Evil Altars

Every prayer point against evil altars has to be said loudly, with violence, with faith and with an aggressive spirit. I release myself from…

Alternative School

Alternative School

A couple years ago I volunteered to teach in our Alternative School, where students are sent to us because they could not make it…

REVIVAL, is it for us today?

REVIVAL, is it for us today?

REVIVAL, is it for us today? Last Friday my colleague Dr. Paul Lee started a series on this web-site called REVIVAL. Little did…