A BIBLICAL CRITIQUE of Brownsville Assembly of God Deliverance Manual

A BIBLICAL CRITIQUE of Brownsville Assembly of God Deliverance Manual

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A BIBLICAL CRITIQUE  of  Brownsville Assembly of God Deliverance Manual


Manual Written by Teresa Castleman, “Deliverance Co-ordinator. ”
Manual authorized by Pastor John A. Kilpatrick

Introduction: In critiquing this manual, I am not intending to question the character of
Pastor Kilpatrick or Deliverance Co-ordinator Castleman. No doubt their intention is to help
people live the abundant life in Christ. However, they should give further study to all Scriptures
dealing with the subject of deliverance. This manual is in contradiction to paragraph 10 in the
Assemblies of God Position Paper, “Can Born-again Believers Be Demon Possessed?”
We are at a crucial juncture in our Movement. What will determine our future: “Biblical
Theology”or “Experiential Theology”? By its name, Brownsville Assembly of God professes to
support Assemblies of God doctrine. Excerpts listed here indicate to the contrary. To each
reader, I humbly submit this critique for your evaluation. If you can Scripturally show me to be
mistaken, I will be indebted to you.

NOTE: (l) First I will list quotes and teachings from the manual with page numbers.
(2) I will then add my comments/critique in italics.
MANUAL Page 2: Co-ordinator Castleman appears to adhere to Assemblies of God doctrine,
knowing our position paper re: the believer and evil spirits. She writes: “Are Christians demon
possessed? Absolutely not. Can Satan have strongholds in our lives? Yes.”
COMMENT: Castleman uses the term “strongholds” to mislead the undiscerning reader. By
page 16, these “strongholds” are “evil spirits”; “demons” (p 22); “deceiving spirits” (p 41);
“sexual demons’ (p 43); “demonic powers” (p 48). And—all of these are shown to be in
believers. Also, some of the Scriptures she uses telling how to get these “strongholds” out of the
believer are clearly those depicting demon possession.
MANUAL Pages 3-15 give instructions for those who are in training to be ‘Deliverance
Ministers.” The prospective “Deliverance Minister” fills out information worksheets. In addition
to listing background (education, medical, spiritual), each must report “Areas of Involvement.”
COMMENT: There are 43 “areas, ” some of them including many aspects. Note the things that
are mixed together: along with drugs, alcohol, Satan worship, etc. we find: daydreaming,
arthritis, allergies, chronic ear problems, and near-death experience. How do all these belong
in the same category??
MANUAL Page 16
“To be given to person (wanting deliverance) at the time of initial interview”
COMMENT: On this page the terminology shows clearly that the so-called “strongholds ” are
actually demons, and it is believers who must get them expelled.
MANUAL p. 16: 1. “Suspect your need of deliverance only after you have gone through the nor-
mal channels of prayer, spiritual discipline, applying the Word, etc. and still don’t have victory.”
COMMENT: This of course can apply only to a Christian.

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MANUAL p. 16: 2. “Start renouncing the spirits, binding them yourself, before coming for
deliverance. ”
COMMENT: Ifthe believers can bind the spirits, why do they still need “deliverance “?
MANUAL p. 16: 3. “Don’t pray for yourself while the workers are praying for you. Words can
hinder the exit of the evil spirit.”
COMMENT: This statement shows the author believes an evil spirit is inisde the Christian;
otherwise, it could not exit! Note it is no longer called a “stronghold. ‘
MANUAL p. 16: 4. “Most evil spirits will be expelled via your mouth. Don’t be embarrassed if
you feel like you must cough, burp, sigh, yawn, scream, weep, etc. On the other hand there may
be no physical reactions.”
COMMENT: Just as above, this says an evil spirit must be expelled—from a Christian. In every
instance in the Word where an evil spirit is inside a person, there is demonic control, and
“possession ” is a good term to express it. A Christian is “in Christ” (2 Cor. 5:17) and Christ is
in every Christian (Col. 1:27). Can an evil spirit be “in Christ”? The believer’s body is the
temple of the Holy Spirit (I Cor. 6:19). When an evil spirit can inhabit Christ—then and only
then—can a demon be inside a Christian. Thank God, this can never be!
MANUAL Page 17: “Will These Evil Spirits Try to Return?” Further instructions to those
seeking deliverance: “According to Matthew 12:43-45 they will try to return. You must command
them to leave you alone in the Name of Jesus.. .Keep your deliverance by putting on the whole
armour of God. Ephesians 6:10-18. ”
COMMENT: Matthew 12: 43-45 is the continuation of Jesus’ teaching earlier and applies to a
man who had been demon possessed (v. 22), not to a believer who had received “deliverance.
Verses 25-29 show clearly that Jesus will not come into a person ‘s heart until all evil spirits are
removed. Therefore, no Christian can have an evil spirit inside. Before Jesus comes in, any
demons inside have to exit! A Christian is not “a house divided” (v. 25). He is one spirit with
the Lord (1 Cor. 6:17), his soul is saved (Heb. 10:39), and his body is the temple of the Holy
spirit (1 Cor. 6:19).
Ephesians 6:10-18 is basic provision for every believer. By obeying it, saints will not be
deceived into thinking they need “deliverance. ‘
MANUAL Pages 18-21 : Further instructions for the “Deliverance Team.” Some examples:
“Claim the protection of the Blood of Jesus over everyone on the premises…. Bind the spirits,
especially the strongman. Matthew 12:29. ”
As I have shown in the paragraph above, these cannot apply to Christians
who are already under the blood of Jesus and who have already been rid of any demons. Ifthe
Deliverance Team can “claim the protection of the blood of Jesus over everyone, ” why do they
then need to “deliver” those who already are under the blood? Is a demon “under the blood”?
MANUAL Page 22: The Deliverance Prayer is ‘ ‘to be prayed by the person seeking deliverance at
the time of ministry.”
COMMENT: Bear in mind all of this applies to believers. This prayer is the kind a sinner, not
a Christian, needs to pray. Here are typical excerpts: “Dear Lord Jesus, I believe that you are the

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Son of God, that you died on the cross for my sins and that you rose from the dead. I confess you
as my Lord and Saviour, I repent of all my sins… Lord, I ask you to forgive me and to cleanse
me by your precious Blood. I accept it now.. .Satan, because of the Blood, you have no power
over me and you have no place in me… ”
THINK: Is this a prayer for a believer?! Isn ‘t a Christian already cleansed by the Blood?
WHAT did these people pray at the time of salvation? Let us speak Truth: if people are bound,
inhabited by evil spirits, they are not yet saved!
MANUAL Pages 23-43: A list oftwenty “STRONGHOLDS” that must be “brokerV’ includes
the following: ‘familiar spirit, generational curses, anti-christ, deaf and dumb spirit, death,
divination, fear, haughtiness, heaviness, infirmity, jealousy, lying, perverse spirit, seducing spirits,
sexual demons.”
COMMENT: This is quite a “mix”! The following, cannot possibly be in a believer: l. God
said that anyone with a familiar spirit was to be put to death (Lev. 20:27; 1 Sam. 28:9), 2. The
spirit of antichrist is totally opposite a Christian. 3. Paul cast a spirit of divination out (Acts
16:16-18); the woman was not a Christian before the demon was cast out. 4. Seducing spirits
cannot possibly inhabit a Christian (1 Tim. 4:1). 5. Note: “generational curse” is nowhere
found in Scripture; the concept is shown to be erroneous in Ezekiel 18, plus many other
MANUAL: Page 43: Under the heading, “sexual demons,” we find: ficubus–Webster defines
incubus as ‘an evil spirit that lies on persons in their sleep; one that has sexual intercourse while
they are sleeping. ‘ This spirit will take on the form of a man in order to have intercourse with
women.” “Succubus-Webster defines succubus as ‘a demon that takes on a female form in order
to have sexual intercourse with men while they are asleep. ” Castleman continues, “I have found in
some cases these spirits work with members of the same sex .. .Some individuals have a diffcult
time in letting go of these spirits and for many it is even more diffcult to keep the door closed so
they do not return.”
COMMENT: This is one of the heresies we can read about in church history. Scripture is clear
that angels are sexless beings (Matt. 22:30; Mk. 12:25), and demons are fallen angels, hence
sexless. Satan promotes such malicious deception as this to terrorize those who believe it.
MANUAL Pages 45-50: These pages give basic instructions with Scriptures. Titles are “Learning
to Walk in Your Deliverance” (45); “Requirements to Keep Your Deliverance” (47-48); “The
Renewed Mind Concept” (49-50). Page 46 has a brief instruction for “Ministry to Children.”
COMMENT: The instructions here are, for the most part, well-documented with scriptures. The
problem here is that that they do not apply to believers seeking “deliverance. ” Substitute
“Salvation “for “Deliverance ” in these instructions, and you will see you do not need a
“deliverance ministry ” for believers.
“Ministry to children ” should be approached with great care. The greatest wrath of
Christ comes on anyone who offends a child (Mt. 18:6-7).
MANUAL Page 51 : ‘My Never Again List”

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COMMENT: Some of these are well advised, others are unscriptural. For example it is good to
say, “Never again will I confess supremacy of Satan over my life, for “Greater is He that is
within me than he that is in the world. I John 4:4. (However—to follow the “deliverance
ministry” teaching set forth in this manual, the verse would read, “Greater is He that is in you
than the evil spirit that is in you. ” )
It is unscriptural to tell all believers to say “Never again will I confess sickness. ” A
small percentage might be able to say that truthfully, but the majority will be sick at some time
regardless of all the positive confession, etc. It is sick people who die.
CONCLUSION: I. This manual makes the Word appear to say just the opposite of what it
clearly teaches ( and contrary to AG doctrine). 11. Who needs deliverance? Sinners do.
Christians, by definition, are those who have been delivered. Colossians 1;13 tells us: “He (the
Father) has delivered us from the power of darkness .. .. Jesus said, “the Truth shall make you
free” (Jn. 8:32-34). There is not a single instance in the Bible ofa believer being delivered from
an evil spirit. Ill. Why then are we being bombarded with such practices? Reasons include: 1.
Lack of Bible knowledge. (Hos. 4:6; 2 Tim. 3:16).2. Some members in our churches have not
been born again though they may have “repeated the sinner’s prayer.” They are in bondage to
sin and may even be demon possessed (1 Jn. 3:9). 3. Some who were at one time born again no
longer have Christ within (Rom. 8:13). They too are in bondage and can even be
inhabited/possessed by a demon. 4. Probably the largest group who submit to “deliverance
ministry” are carnal Christians (1 Cor. 3:1-4), in danger of losing salvation (Rom. 8:13). Many
would rather (supposedly) “be delivered ofa demon” than to crucify the flesh and obey Jesus’
command to repent-or else!” (Rev. 2-3). 5. Those who profess “deliverance ministry” are
popular. The love of money and power is a snare for many. It is the spirit of the age to want
“spiritual experience” (Gal. 1:10). Those who are not willing to ‘ Ä the price” for this genuine
experience are often glad to accept substitutes. Like the New Agers they want “experience,” but
are not willing to live by every word of God (Lk. 4:4; 1 Tim. 4:1; 1 Jn. 4:1). Like Nadab and
Abihu, they tolerate “wild fire” (Lev. 10:1-2) rather than wait on God as Elijah did (I Ki. 18) and
as Jesus commanded (Rev. 3:15-22). 6. Great statistics result from calling all (including
ministers and other believers) to come for repentance. Often they are all then counted as
converts—some many times. May we not be guilty of lying about results (Rev. 21:8).
NOTE Definitions: The term “SPIRIT” is used in Scripture in two differing ways: 1) “spirit” as
personal being: the Holy Spirit is God, the Spirit of Truth; angels are ministering spirits;
demons are evil spirits. In this primary sense, a spirit is a living being. Both angels and demons
have “personality”; they know, speak, hear, guide. DIFFERENT from the second usage:
2) “spirit” as disposition, attitude: a haughty spirit (Pv. 16;18); a humble spirit (Isa. 57:15); a
meek and quiet spirit (1 Pet. 3:4). Some misinterpret 2 Tim. 1 :7; they speak of deliverance from a
“spirit (demon) of fear.” If fear is an evil spirit, then three good spirits must take its place: spirit
of love, spirit of power, spirit ofa sound mind. Obviously, love, power, and sound mind are not
spirit beings, and fear is not a spirit being! Let us use the “sound mind” God has given us as
we ‘Yightly divide” the Word He has given (2 Tim. 2:15).
opal L. Reddin, D. Mn.
May 25, 1999


  • Reply May 17, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    So this is another long awaited and very important document I dont expect non AG ppl to understand Joe Absher Link Hudson Steve Maxwell may remember discussing it

    Before the infamous res16 was signed Todd Bentley, Killpatrick and yes the so called Dr. BROWN and more were sending revival manuals to our AG churches teaching ABC on how to do deliverance and make revival come – for lack of other words

    Peter Vandever claiming direct eyewitness of the events has long denied those manuals Perhaps he was on the low end of the food chain and knew nothing about it BUT lo and behold Terry Wiles has made it free for the group to share and discuss and it is what it is – – – one of number of manuals on how to deliver people, build up church audience for revival, ABC on miracle works, 123 on attendance growth and so on ALL in singed and published manuals which were sold and sent to our AG churches before Resolution 16 put a halt on it This one comes with a very very needed Biblical critique so the floor is yours to share and discuss it freely

  • Steve Maxwell
    Reply May 17, 2019

    Steve Maxwell

    Some of the goofiest non-biblical crap came out of the revival that was prophesied to last until the second coming.

    • Reply May 17, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      True – this one is a historic paper from 20yrs ago but very very important for all of us today I think

    • Gary Micheal Epping
      Reply May 17, 2019

      Gary Micheal Epping

      But the ‘goofiest non-biblical crap’ came from critics who did not know jack about the revival.

    • Gary Micheal Epping
      Reply May 17, 2019

      Gary Micheal Epping

      Troy Day Why single out a specific historical paper, like deliverance manuals have disappeared. They are still in abundance. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=deliverance+manuals&i=stripbooks&ref=nb_sb_noss_2

    • Steve Maxwell
      Reply May 17, 2019

      Steve Maxwell

      We had a young pastor trained at Brownsville, preach at our church. It was biggest load of bull that I ever heard. His main thrust was that we had to he the most on fire church in our town for God to come visit us. If we weren’t as “in the river” as the other AG church in our town, then God would visit them and not us.

      As if God is omnipresent and capable of blessing two churches at once. I quipped that it was like being in the same division as the New England Patriots. Some churches couldn’t get a visit from God, because they were in a tough district.

      I watched the revival fall apart and the leaders at one another’s throat. What an end for the revival that was prophesied to last until the second coming.

      I also watched what happened to the people returning from the revival. It wasn’t good. Two men became radical Judaizers, enamored with the Law.

    • Gary Micheal Epping
      Reply May 17, 2019

      Gary Micheal Epping

      Steve Maxwell Did you go to the revival and spend some time there? Otherwise, your comments are as you say the ‘biggest load of bull.’

    • Steve Maxwell
      Reply May 17, 2019

      Steve Maxwell

      Gary Micheal Epping no, and I’ve never attended a Jehovah’s Witness church either and I still know it’s a load of bull.

      I watched some recordings of the revival, I listened to people influenced by the revival and I wasn’t impressed.

      I watched John Kilpatrick make a fool out of himself, prophesying that Hank Hanagraaff was doomed for criticizing the revival.

      I could go on.

    • Reply May 18, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      what about Mormons Steve Maxwell 🙂

    • Steve Maxwell
      Reply May 18, 2019

      Steve Maxwell

      Troy Day, there is a denomination that’s losing membership. The Book of Mormon is provably wrong. No pigs, horses and cattle in America, before the Europeans arrived.

  • Reply May 18, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Gary Micheal Epping YES they are and we’ve put the best ones together as a SPIRITUAL WARFARE ONLINE ENCYCLOPEDIA here http://www.pentecostaltheology.com/new-spiritual-warfare-online-encyclopedia/

    However, the ones from Brownsville are WAY more specific They were not PUBLIC per say They were sold to AG churches with specific agenda and once the agenda was fulfilled they disappeared It took several years to find one that we could publish – not that they are not out there but Resolution 16 by AG killed the whole idea Now if you take the time to read the stuff by Killpatrick you will see why this one – from the revival series and why so specific

  • Gary Micheal Epping
    Reply May 18, 2019

    Gary Micheal Epping

    My wife and I were on the prayer team at Brownsville and never saw or were asked to use a spiritual warfare manual.

    • Reply May 19, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Philip Williams may know you personally then

    • Philip Williams
      Reply May 19, 2019

      Philip Williams

      Troy Day never went to Brownsville. All I know about that is what M. Brown shared.

    • Reply May 19, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      but he shared it ALL with you in person right?

  • Reply May 19, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Gary Micheal Epping HOW would one explain the existence of those printed and very much signed by the author manuals? They are out there They were authored, published, printed and sold – took us a bit to find them but here it is in broad daylight How could you have missed it is beyond me – but they are real !!!

  • Reply May 19, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    hey Gary Micheal Epping your new picture really gets me – I like the cowboy hat better if you were to ask me

    did you EVER meet Teresa Castleman the Deliverance Coordinator Brownsville? Were you aware she authored the Brownsville Assembly of God Deliverance Manual authorized by Pastor John A. Kilpatrick??? Peter Vandever who claims a direct descent from the great FL revivals also had NO CLUE but yet there it is https://www.amazon.com/Deliverance-Manual-Teresa-Castleman/dp/B003DQIBRM

  • Reply May 19, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Peter Vandever Terry Wiles Gary Micheal Epping what would yall say the purpose of these manuals was @ the revival ? https://www.amazon.com/Deliverance-Manual-Brownsville-Assembly-God/dp/B003TMPWOU/ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_1?keywords=John+A.+Kilpatrick+manual&qid=1558311401&s=books&sr=1-1-fkmrnull

  • Gary Micheal Epping
    Reply May 19, 2019

    Gary Micheal Epping

    There is no such manual for sale on Amazon, as it says unavailable. If you are going to post a critique, you should post the manual for readers to critique themselves. Of course, you will not post it as you do not have a purchased book, and would violate copyright laws if you or someone else posted an unauthorized copy of such a book. The critique in the OP may be valid or highly biased. Who knows, unless the original book was there to consult. Maybe the book is excellent for its topic.

    • Reply May 19, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      REALLY? So ifphc Archive made them up too?

      1) Title: Backup & extra PDFs of: Altar workers manual, deliverance manual, prayer team manual, ushers manual.
      Author/Creator: (FL) Pensacola–Brownsville Assembly of God
      Resource Type: Books
      2) Title: Church policy manual
      Author/Creator: (FL) Pensacola–Brownsville Assembly of God
      Resource Type: Books
      3) Title: Deliverance manual
      Author/Creator: (FL) Pensacola–Brownsville Assembly of God
      Resource Type: Books
      4) Title: The intercessory manual
      Author/Creator: (FL) Pensacola–Brownsville Assembly of God
      Resource Type: Books
      5) Title: The ministry of altar workers
      Author/Creator: (FL) Pensacola–Brownsville Assembly of God
      Resource Type: Books
      6) Title: The ministry of ushering
      Author/Creator: (FL) Pensacola–Brownsville Assembly of God
      Resource Type: Books
      7) Title: The prayer team ministry
      Author/Creator: (FL) Pensacola–Brownsville Assembly of God
      Resource Type: Books


    • Gary Micheal Epping
      Reply May 19, 2019

      Gary Micheal Epping

      It does not show the actual manual just a reference to a title.

    • Reply May 19, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      You can order them from iFPCH as scanned PDFs and check them out for yourself at any given time – My point was this

      those manual series – this is just one of many updated in various years, along with VIDEO tapes explaining how to make revival happen in your local church were SOLD for profit in various assemblies in the US and abroad When this practice backfired we signed Resolution 16 to halt it all

      Now, that you were a gate keeper in FL and have never even seen any of these (per your own testimony) speaks volumes

    • Gary Micheal Epping
      Reply May 19, 2019

      Gary Micheal Epping

      Peter V and I both have said that we have never seen such a book. The primary focus of the revival was on saving souls and restoring the backslidden, not on fighting demons. I could care less if there was or was not such a manual. My emphasis while there was on saving the lost.

    • Gary Micheal Epping
      Reply May 19, 2019

      Gary Micheal Epping

      We have talked about this before and I thought it was settled.Res 16 had nothing to do with the Brownsville Revival, but with what happened in Lakeland. So, why do you keep bringing it back up?

    • Reply May 20, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      On the contrary my friend on the contrary It was the very sales profits from this manuals and many AG churches “catching on fire” that brought about Res16 Now did you purchase and review these manuals or what are we talking about?

    • Gary Micheal Epping
      Reply May 20, 2019

      Gary Micheal Epping

      I have no interest in purchasing any deliverance manual, as that is not my cup of tea. There was a bookstore at the Brownsville Revival that sold tapes, books, and many other things to visitors. I bought a lot of things there, but do not remember seeing any deliverance manual. Brownsville did not have a problem with the AOG, and it had nothing to do with Res 16, which was a reaction to a later unrelated revival in Lakeland with Todd Bentley. At the time, Thomas Trask said, “This [Brownsville] is a sovereign move of God.” Charles Crabtree spoke twice at Brownsville while I was there and endorsed it. Renewal Journal said, “Assistant General Superintendent, Charles Crabtree, was a speaker at the April Pensacola Harvest Revival Ministers’ Conference in Brownsville and was visibly touched by all that was happening there. General Superintendent Thomas Trask is a godly man who definitely desires spiritual revival, and reports indicate that what is happening at Brownsville is warmly endorsed by the AOG Executive Presbytery, Springfield.” https://renewaljournal.blog/2011/07/20/harvest-now-byrobert-mcquillan/

  • Charles Page
    Reply May 20, 2019

    Charles Page

    All you need to know about deliverance from demons is written on the side of Kleenex tissue boxes. The key is demon absorbency. How many demons can a tissue hold without falling apart?

  • Reply May 20, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    well Gary Micheal Epping to get them or not is your own prerogative As long as we agree they existed, were sold outside FL for profit, became a reason for the scandal and are still out there Now, how you were not trained by them only you can explain – but it is my understanding that ANYone in any position during the revival was trained by these manuals Even Peter Vandever would agree

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